Day 75 – Paris to Lyon. Well first full day on tour. We headed off early – up at 6 am!! – no sympathy I hear from home!
It was a long driving day. We covered over 430 km today.
The first 200 km, once we got out of Paris, was flat farm land with lots of grain crops dominating the landscape.
Then we started to enter some rolling hills to enter Bordeaux countryside. We saw a lot of bush/forest in this area first, then we started to enter grape vineyards.
We stopped in Beaune and had lunch here in a pretty square.
We also visited a local winery – and got “exposed” to the their wines – pinot noir & white chardonnay.
Following the break it was back onto the bus for another 200+ km with more rolling country until we arrived in Lyon. The City has two rivers running through it.
After a quick break at the hotel we were off to our short tour of Lyon and dinner.
We visited the La Basilique Notre-dame de Fourviere. This also was on the top of the hill overlooking Lyon – a lot like Florence – very pretty.
We went for a walk through the small streets of the old city. This passage ways were originally made when silk was being made in the city. We walked through some hidden tunnels or passages ways that were used during the war. Then to a wonderful dinner. After much fun it was back to the hotel and bed – for another early start tomorrow.
Day 76 – Lyon to Nice
Well another long day on the bus. After leaving Lyon early in the morning we followed the river Rhone due South. We stopped off around lunchtime and looked at Avignon.
This is a walled city that had a bridge going across the Rhone. Now the Bridge is only goes halfway across the river.
There were lots of wheat crops in the fields. The land was mostly flat for the first few hours. Then on through slightly hillier country including some rocky outcrops until we eventually got to Monaco. The Prince had got engaged the previous day but were weren’t invited to any party!
We visited the outside of the palace and the narrow shops.
It was very similar to the last time we visited. We walked around the gardens as well as seeing views of the famous harbour heading to Monte Carlo.
Back on the bus we drove on through narrow high winding streets back to Nice, to our hotel – This was our best hotel so far – everything seemed to be in white and the rooms were very nice. After having time to freshen up we were off to tea at an old opera house – It was a opera house with a stage and curtains. On the stage was the kitchen behind a glass panel. It was a nice meal with good company. We had a local traditional beef main – which was very tender.
Off to bed after a long day.
Day 77 – In Nice
Well this morning was a more relaxed start to the day as there was no travelling today. We opted out of the “extra” and just did our own thing. The city of Nice has had a lot of money spent on it in the last few years and it certainly is very smart and flash. There were new fountains, gardens and a modern train system running through the town.
The Ironman race was on the next day so we visited the Village (this was a tent area in the middle of the city with lots of ‘sports’ shops. First we looked at the flash new bikes and things for sale – I felt rather large compared to all the trim ironmen wondering around.
We walked along the beautiful stony beach. It was a beautiful fine day. Many people were laying on the beach in the sun.
We visted the many shops and returned to the hotel briefly to change into some summer clothes!
Then we set off again and we walked around the headland to see the upgraded port. It was all very flash with its posh yachts!
We walked up many many many steps to the top of the point of the bay , which used to have a fort on it and we visited a waterfall near the top – which was very impressive.
We then walked back via the old city but were running out of time to have a good look. Nearly got lost coming home but made it in the end.
We meet up with a few others who did not do the extra excursion and had tea across the road at a restaurant. It was really nice.
Day 78 – Nice to Carcassonne
A very long day once again in the coach The first bit of the drive was the retracing of a couple of days ago. Landscape very much covered in trees a lot of the time and very dry and rocky. As we progressed it got flatter. We crossed the delta at the mouth of the Rhone where it was very flat and they were even growing rice there.
We visited the town of Arles – home of Cessane. We missed the guided tour again and walked ourselves. It was a very hot today – around 32 I think.
The market was in full swing and Shona got a couple of things before we left! While we were in Cessane we visited the roman amphitheatre (this was a smaller version of the one in Rome) as well as other churches and an old roman theatre.
This town had lovely small streets again and interesting places to visit.
Then back in the coach for another long drive to our nights venue. Not very exciting landscape through this bit – started to get hillier the nearer we got and quite a lot of grapes being grown. Made for a long day of travelling.
We got to our hotel and walked up to Carcassonne – which was in sight of our hotel window about 5 minutes away.
This is an old medieval walled city with double walls around it that is virtually as it was - stunning and huge – we could have spent a lot longer there. It was a fantastic place. We visited the fort inside the castle and the local cathedral. Much of the castle/city had been restored a couple of centuries ago after it had fallen into dis-repair.
We visited the many “tourist stores” which were everywhere, Wish we had more room in our bags for some of the neat stuff – but it has to stay on the shelves!
Back to hotel for dinner and bed!
Tomorrow off to Biarritz
Day 79 Carrassonne – Lourdes - Biarritz
Once again a 6 am wake up call – come on some sympathy it is Sunday after all! We drove through mostly crop land to start with – lots of wheat and barley etc and some other green crops. Quite flat mostly for first hour of so. Skirted around Toulose then farmland changed to different crops including corn – and saw second paddock of sun flowers – just coming out.
Then we stopped at Lourdes.
Visited the holy site and church – including a delicious cappuccino. Lost of people around – but not as many people as thought.
Day started fine but at lunchtime started to drizzle which spoilt our first real views of the Pyrenees – could see snow on top however.
After a relaxing break (for a change) it is back on the coach for the drive to Saint Jean-de-Luz.
A few more kms down the road we entered Basque country – very distinctive houses.
We went to the village of Saint Jean-de-Luz and an New Zealander was our guide! Fascinating town on the altantic coast with a neat sandy beach and large port.
They also had their annual “fair” on so had side shows as well as dancing and music going on in the square – really neat local colour – Shona felt at home with lots wearing black – she was just missing the red scarf to become a native basque!!!!!!
Tomorrow into part of the Pyrenees.
Day 81 – Biarritz to Bordeaux
A more relaxed start then with warmer clothes on headed up to the top of the nearest mountain in the Pyrenes. We went up on a cog wheel train all the way to the top (about 3000 feet).
From there we had stunning views across the atlantic and coast. The border runs through the middle of the “station” at the top so you can stand in Spain(concrete) &; France (paved slate stones) at the same time.
Also saw the wild horses at as well as some birds called Egyptian Vultures (huge wing span).
Then back to the coach and then into Biarritz – what a fantastic place.
Although being Monday virtually no shops were open (they were no shops on Monday and Sunday!) – bad luck Shona.
The beach was stunning with some fantastic rock formations and neat buildings. The tide was out so the harbour was extremely low of water leaving some boats dry!
Then off to Bordeaux – a thrilling ride with about 200 km of pine forests to look at as we cruised along – so worked on computer instead!!
Arrived at our hotel – which was on a golf course – sorry Dave and co!! Did get told off for walking on their “rough” to take photos without golf shoes on!!!! I didn’t ask what the green fees were!

Went out to tea at a local winery chateau (note we have learnt chateau in this context means a winery not necessarily a big chateau type building!!!) However this winery had been in the same family since 1202!!!!! Very nice wine – Shona thought all her Xmas had come at once!
After a very nice meal in their “barn” and saying goodnight to “Pierre.” And hopefully a more relaxing day without a long drive
Day 82 – Bordeaux
A day of local touring in the Bordeaux and Dordogne area. We first got dropped off to look around Libourne a small village market area. We walked down a narrow street to the centre of the town where there was a market. Tents up. Went shopping around the square – some goods very reasonably priced. There were all sorts. Where very good but we don’t have room in our bags. Looked at jewellery and acquired a burgundy tablecloth. The people at the market here seemed more relaxed somehow. This was a very friendly town. We bought some fruit for dinner tonight, we thought we better cut back on what we are eating!. The tour has no dinner supplied tonight but a organised lunch instead.
After looking around we returned to the coach and drove to a neighbouring town called St Emelion which has an underground church and crypts.
We struggled up a very steep cobblestoned street to see the bell tower at the top (the rest is underground). We then visited the cave of the original inhabitant Emelion who was a monk. We then went through the amzinf underground church which is the largest of its kind in Europe – they have had to support the main limestone pillars as they started cracking! This church was different in that they dug it out of the rock starting at the top. So instead of building the pillars they carved out the pillars from the top down. So really they carved out the centre of the church.
After this we had a very pleasant lunch in a nearby restaurant. Had white asparagus for entree – something new. Shona had a fabulous cold tomato soup. Of course there was wine.
Then back to the bus and onto the city of Bordeaux – this city is large and very tidy on the banks of the River Gironde.
This is a port and was originally where wine was exported (and still is) – hence the phrase a tonne (meaning a barrel of wine). There were painted cows everywhere. A very new and efficient looking tram/train system.
Also an amazing water pool (It was a big area of concrete slabs with a a layer of really shallow water) Looking at it from the side it looked like people were walking on water. When the water was still it had a mirror affect. Everyone was having fun in the water– especially as the temperature was very hot. So we took our shoes off and waded in.
Then back to the hotel on our golf course (which we weren’t allowed to walk on!) and we gathered by the pool – everyone with their wine and cheese and fruit purchased earlier in the day. It was 7.30 at night. The sun was like about 4.00 on a summer day in NZ. It was a pleasant warmth and several were swimming. Only problem some of the cheese had melted on the bus during the day – nothing like runny cheese! Pleasant evening had by all. Tomorrow another long drive to Tours.