
12 July 2010

KL and Home to P.Nth

Well we have had 3 days in KL. It has been really really hot, but survivable (about 30-32 degrees most days). We have slowed down our travel pace! We went to a cultural show where they showed us some local dances.

We also went up the KL tower this is the 4th or 5th highest in the whole world.
We also got caught in a huge thunder storm fortunately found a hut to hid in (could see our hotel across the intersection but no way could we get there without getting soaked). So we sheltered for about an hour! There was lots and lots of thunder - extremely loud!.
We also went into a small zoo and there where some fascinating creatures there - including snakes, monkeys, big hairy spiders, lizards, etc etc.
We also went to the large outdoor bird park (mostly netted in) - it was stunning how close you could walk to all these birds - lots of photos taken! Shona wasn't very happy with the part that had all the monkeys running free in it!

After that we visited the central market place - was very cool and would go back but we weren't in a shopping mood (can you believe that!) and in one place there were these people sitting with their feet in a fish pond!!! All the little fish were nibbling there feet - a fishy massage. They let us take a photo in case you might think I made it up!
We also saw these neat metal flowers they had in the streets and saw some more of their neat buildings!
Anyway it was then time to head home. We packed our bags and we headed off to the airport. Suffered the many hours in flight. Met in Auckland by friend - thanks Colin for the coffee! On to P.Nth with no hitches - then escorted home int he cold conditions (from 30 to 8 in one day is a shock to the system!
Got home no gas - brrrr. Never mind got solved - now to do that sleep sleep sleep part of the calendar!

Thanks for following our blog site over the past 3 months. Neat to be back - catch up with you all at some stage.

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