
18 June 2010

Day 69 & 70 Nuneaton to London

Day 69
Well today was a rest day and a day to catch up with washing etc. We also attempted to tackle our "assignments", so indoors all days - although the sun shone a lot outside. I

ncredible how much the garden has grown since we were visiting about 2 months ago.

So no touring for just about the first time this trip.

Day 70
Well goodbye to Nuneaton and Alan & Angie today. With clean clothes and repacked bags!
Decided to take a slight diversion to Shakespeare land and visit Stratford-upon-Avon. This is Shakespeare 'shouse below.
 We had visited 15 years ago in mid winter so thought seeing it in the sunshine might be slightly different - and it was.
 Spectacular old tutor houses everywhere - great gardens and a nice relaxed atmosphere.
 After a nice time looking around the shopping area we set off and put our trust in Sally to get us into central London. After a few moments of indecision and battling 4.30 pm London traffic we got here in one piece!!
Tomorrow some more work and maybe a visit to central London - we shall see!
Hope this finds you all well.

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