
25 April 2010

Day 17 - Belton Manor House

Up a bit later today but had to wait while we packed a picnic lunch.
Today we headed south and half way changed our plans and diverted to Belton Manor House. After a coffee we joined rows and rows of cars of visitors at this big manor house. This house (if one can called this a house) was built in 1685. 

It’s gardens covered a huge area including trimmed hedges, glass house, church (with some very old
Grave stones etc). It was like a huge park including a large lake and huge lawns – glad I’m not the caretaker. Very impressive though.

We then headed off and stopped off in a postcard type village called Exon – beautiful thatched houses etc.

On for lunch we had a picnic lunch at Rutland Water – a very large lake. Joiing many other people on blankets spread out in front of the lake. I also found a large cycle shop but unfortunately Shona said the bike wouldn’t fit in our bags!!!

Moving on we stopped in Stanford – a beautiful town with a river running through the middle, including many of bird guests on this house.

It was also a classic place for photo scenery to attract the photographer in me.

Then a long ride home as the sun set including a stop over at Folkington where we visited the church and looked at the Dutch styled houses.
Then home for lovely Salmon dinner.

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