
14 June 2010

Day 64 - Lake District to Yorkshire Dales

Well today was one of our first wet mornings - I heard it was raining and miserable in NZ as well so all is fair I guess. England drew 1:1 in the world cup game last night against USA so the English fans were a bit subdued this morning!!!
Anyway a wet start and it stayed that way most of the day. We headed south to see the wonderful scenery in southern lake district - but view was very limited by low cloud and rain.

Visiting Ambleside (driving only) - quaint with most houses done in slate;

then Grasmere then Windermere - once again park and pay only way to visit - but went for a wet walk anyway.

Nice "beach" area and shopping area in both towns to visit.
After a disappointing lunch (one of our view wrong choice cafe's!!!) we drove on and visited a couple of villages on the outskirts of the Yorkshire Dales. Saw this neat bridge on the way.

Finally arrived at our B&B guest house - Tudor House - which is an old converted railway station - so line right outside - in fact about 10 metres from where I am sitting. Hopefully there won't be too many during the night but I am presuming all will be electric so not so noisy!

A quaint place and also lots of feeders for birds and already been watching a woodpecker (yes Sandy I did see it this time) for a while as well as a pheasant which apparently has 12 chicks hatched yesterday - maybe we will see them tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be a bit lazy I think but time to potter around a few of the local villages on the dales - and hopefully some of the rain will have gone away!

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