
16 June 2010

Day 68 - Back to Nuneaton

A travel day today - a lot on the motorway. We left the B & B along with other guests heading off in various directions.

We followed Sally's directions for the first hour and a half and then had a break at a road side place (all the same where ever you go!). Then decided to leave the motorway battle and diverted via Chesterfield, Matlock and a few other small towns in the - managed to find some more steep hills again.
Then back on the motorway with Sally making some interesting route choices - including going over two ramps off the motorway and then returning it to the same motorway - go figure!!
 She was probably paying us back for ignoring her on some occasions.

However eventually got to Nuneaton and now relaxing - so not a very exciting day but needed to get further south!

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