
01 May 2010

Day 20 - 29th London to Rome

Day 20 – up early. Shona was never one to be late to the airport! Dropped of our rental vehicle and had a few hours wait until we took of on Air Alitalia – right at the back so first on – but last off. Smooth flight and could see all the snow on the alps on the way over them.

Landed and put clocks forward an hour. Had a very nice car drive us in (much better than our Ford focus we had just dropped off), but no way would I want to drive in Rome – every man, bike, car , truck, bus for himself. The most aggressive basically wins. Often no lanes and everyone picks a line with motor bikes zooming up on either side of any vehicles – saw no accidents but heard enough ambulances!

After dropping off bags in a small hotel – 2 hotels shared the same entrance and up by our room the left is our hotel and the right is the others? Not very big but okay. Only 1 minute walk to the main train station which will be handy on Saturday. After a short walk it was home to write up Noslim!

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