
15 May 2010

Day 34 - Murano

Well a relaxed start and finally managed to get internet connection – so downloaded 3 days at once before heading out.

Decided today to visit the island of Murano – famous for all the glass. We took a ferry to get to it. This island is also made up of about 5 bits and you have to go by bridge to get from one part to another.

Murano is all about glass – statues, necklaces, ear rings, animals, trays, vases, plates, beads etc. They seem to be able to make anything out of glass – they were fantastic in all sorts of colours, shapes and sizes - and some were very expensive – the best ones were worth many thousands of Euro’s. We decided they could wait for another rich person to do the purchasing! But they were certainly fantastic.

Unfortunately all shops had no photo signs so haven’t got any photos other than these two from outside. The blue is glass)

Once again a fantastic day – now watching Giro I’talia – found a channel that is commentating in English finally!. Off to Rome tomorrow by train to join our bus tour of Southern Italy – not sure what internet access will be like so may be erratic!

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